

What's your Authority problem?

Day by day, we allow idiots to make us doubt ourselves. We routinely encounter difficult situations in our lives and we feel terrible when people treat us poorly or when we overreact to them. This is bad enough, but our biggest mistakes happen when we give or keep Authority for others to judge us. Did you experience crippling anxiety when you had to present a proposal at work? You gave Authority when you shouldn’t. Did you undermine your coworkers to gain that promotion at all costs because you believe you are the best for the job? You kept Authority when you shouldn’t. Did you pay an awful price when you were haggling for that car? You failed to get the salesmen to give you Authority.

Benjamin Aaker, MD is an accomplished Emergency Room physician, leader, persuader, and real estate investor. In this book, he walks the reader through harrowing events in the ER to important moments in history, showing in every chapter how we fail to give Authority when we should, and keep it when we shouldn’t. He tells how Authority goes deeper than the badge on one’s uniform or the car one drives. Authority goes into our minds and reveals our motivations for our actions. Imagine being the successful manager that everyone likes or the confident employee with leadership potential. Imagine meeting new people effortlessly and speaking in front of crowds without fear. Mastering Authority unlocks confidence, leadership, and self-esteem.

This book is THE tool to learn how to control Authority and achieve your goals without regret.

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